Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Decoding Girlypop: Who Are They And What’s Their Slang About?


Decoding Girlypop: Who Are They And What’s Their Slang About?


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The girlypops are at it again—there’s a new term in town!

Keeping up with trends can be challenging, especially when it comes to the slang used by girlypops and even understanding who they are. They aren’t strictly girls; whether a lady, gent, or nonbinary, one thing is certain: they’re a girl’s girl. They love hanging out with and looking out for their friends. Thus, this term is more of an endearment than a label. Girlypops are bubbly and enjoy adding a creative, fun twist to the mundane, much like pop stars in music! Because of this, they’ve developed a lingo that’s as distinctive as it is inventive—finding more ways to reinvent language since classic literature!

If you’re feeling lost in this cultural shift, here’s a list of words and phrases currently popular among girlypops:

“I’m So Julia”

This phrase references Charli XCX’s sixth album, the lime green “brat.” In the album’s lead track, “360,” Charli sings, “I’m everywhere, I’m so Julia,” referring to Julia Fox, known for her bold fashion trends in 2022. From a cutout latex dress with bare panels and a garment bag for a dress to a foil gown and ruffled bloomers over pants, Julia has been in the buzz left and right.

By 2023, fashion trends replicated her style in many different ways. The sheer dresses, the exposed G-strings, the no-bra movement–Julia was everywhere! So, when your friend says someone is “so Julia,” they’re implying that this person is seen everywhere and is taking existing standards to new heights. In short, this person is iconic.


What happens during a brunch date or a hangout with your girls? Do you just sit and talk, or do you sit and yap? In girlypop speak, “yapping” means talking a lot—covering every topic imaginable from the latest trends, the juiciest gossip, up to random personal anecdotes. No subject is too profound or too trivial. But don’t be mistaken: boring small talk has no place here. With yapping, even the things that are most familiar to you have the potential to be a mystery just waiting to be tapped.

Let Him/Her/Them Cook

This phrase isn’t just for the kitchen. It’s also used during long-winded conversations. When someone says this, it means letting someone speak even if you’re unsure where they’re going with it. Ever had a friend who takes forever to make their point but you stick around because you know it’s going somewhere? That’s letting them cook. It’s about giving your friend the time and space to talk at their own pace, knowing that the end of it is worth the wait.

You can use it for your own life updates or plans too! Instead of the ordinary, “I’m planning something,” you could say, “Something’s cooking.” It adds an extra intrigue and excitement to what’s simmering in your life. But don’t say “It’s all cooked” or “I’m cooked” when you’re finished with the thing you are working on! That means you’re done for–and it’s in the worst way possible. Like you’ve made a mistake and there’s no chance at redemption. Unless that is what you mean, say, “Dinner is served.” Now, that means you owned that thing.

Girl Dinner

While continental dinners are for enjoying European cuisine and potluck dinners involve sharing dishes, a girl dinner is all about eating something purely for yourself, put together with what you already have. It could be as simple as a random assortment of snacks, a selection of side dishes, small portions of food, or a whole combination of these three.

The point is, when combined, they create a satisfying meal. If you’re dining solo and not in the mood to cook or clean up, treat yourself to a girl dinner. Beyond the food itself, there’s an intimate satisfaction in enjoying a meal entirely dictated by your cravings and preferences, without any pressure or pretense.


This term goes beyond being a shorthand for “delusion.” It can be a silver lining amidst tough times, surprisingly providing encouragement when you don’t know (or refuse to admit) that you need it. For instance, if you experience a wardrobe malfunction at an important life event, why not set aside the panic and humiliation, and instead be delulu? Convince yourself it’s not as bad as it seems! Others would say it’s a dismissive, avoidant approach to reality but, really, managing the curveballs that life throws at you are in the framing. If anything, you’re confronting it, just taking a more positive turn with it. Denial? More like, delulu is the solulu!

The Math Is Not “Mathing”

This isn’t about mathematical operations. When the facts of a situation don’t seem to make sense, “the math is not mathing.” It’s a playful twist on the expression “it doesn’t add up,” and it can be applied to anything that seems off. For instance, when someone tries a fashion style and it is a little out of sync, you could say, “the fashion is not fashioning.” When it’s the makeup that is off, you could say “the makeup is not makeuping.” It’s fun, simple, and laid-back–it makes those awkward moments when things don’t quite meet expectations lighthearted. Of course, a full-bred girlypop will help to make it make sense and work. When that happens, you could catch them on the flip side, and they would say, “the math is mathing!”

Do It For The Plot

Because why not?

This phrase is about doing something just for the sake of the story. It’s a way of acknowledging yourself as a main character in a narrative. It’s meant to be fun and thrilling, but who knows? Maybe the plot will take a dramatic turn. Whether it does or it does not, this phrase is a playful reminder to not take life too seriously. Sometimes, the best moments come from spontaneous decisions and unthinkable actions. You might be doing something that feels a bit out of character for you, but that’s exactly the exciting part—it’s all for the plot! There is no way of knowing what happens next, if it will lead to regrets or major developments, unless you’re there. Point is, the plot always progresses with a new lesson for you.

Don’t @ Me

Literally, it means don’t mention someone on social media. But in a girlypop context, it’s an ironic way to say, “don’t call me out.” If you face consequences for “doing it for the plot” and you receive pushback or criticism, you can hide your face and say, “don’t @ me!” It’s a girlypop way of saying, “don’t call me out!” But deep down, it can also be a cry for help. It’s a perfect defense when you want them to skip past the judgment and offer understanding. So while the phrase sounds fun and unabashed, it’s also wrapped in vulnerability that asks others to dial down the critique.

This list could go on, but no list can truly capture all the girlypop lingo. It’s so Julia. Between supporting their friends and finding fun in everyday language, girlypops have created a new parlance that reflects their vibrant personalities.

Next time you hear girlypops yapping and sprinkling in these terms, just remember: it’s all part of the fun and flair that makes their conversations so entertaining.