Thursday, October 17, 2024

7 Tips To Overcome First Day Of Work Jitter


7 Tips To Overcome First Day Of Work Jitter


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Starting a new job or a new role can be overwhelming and can make you anxious. You might have a tight knot in your stomach making you feel uneasy. It’s like stepping into a total unknown and wondering where the road would lead you except you know where that road is, it’s just unfamiliar.

This feeling is normal. You don’t have to have everything figured out, especially during your first day of work. You will feel overwhelmed and sometimes have imposter syndrome. But, just so you know, you got the job because you deserve so and you were able to impress them during your interview. There is no reason for you not to rock your new role.

While the jitters are going to ride on your back during your first day—sometimes, during your first few weeks, there are ways for you to manage your first day of work anxiety. Here are 7 ways for you to survive your first day of work:

1. Take A Nice Walk The Night Before

Taking a nice walk the night before your first day can calm your nerves. It also helps you to sleep since you might have trouble doing so if you are anxious. This can serve as a nice distraction for you rather than feeding your anxiety at home.

By spending your night going outside, you are able to take your mind off from imagining what would happen during your first day of work the following day. You can focus on your surroundings instead and you’ll be able to calm your nerves allowing you to have a good sleep when you get home.

2. A Good Sleep Is The Key

You don’t want to go to work feeling sleepy, right? Anxiety and sleepiness can be a bad combo so make sure to get a good night’s rest so you wake up feeling refreshed and energized.

So, you want to get as much sleep as you can. Remember, you will be working straight hours and your only break might be lunch break only which is why you want to conserve energy and avoid burning yourself out on your first day.

3. If You Have Time, Do Some Workout In The Morning

If you manage to wake up early and have time to spare, do a little workout whether that might be yoga, jogging, or dance workout—whatever seems doable at the moment.

Working out helps your anxiety by releasing feel-good endorphins which helps improve your mood and help you relax. So, get your body moving if you have time and go to work feeling good.

4. Go To Work Early

To help ease one of your worries which is arriving to work, make sure to leave home early to arrive in advance. Leaving home with plenty of time to spare helps you avoid the stress of running late due to unexpected delays. It also gives you time to find the office, navigate any potential traffic, and settle in without feeling rushed.

Being early also allows you to familiarize yourself with new surroundings and meet with coworkers gradually rather than being thrown into a busy workplace all at once.

5. It’s Okay To Ask Questions

It is better to ask too many questions than to make too many mistakes. On your first day, it’s important to remember that it’s okay to ask questions.

No one expects you to know everything immediately, and asking questions is a vital part of the learning process. It shows that you are engaged and willing to learn. If you’re unsure about something, don’t hesitate to seek clarification. This can prevent mistakes and help you understand your role better.

6. Understand The Small Things First Rather Than The Big Ones

Trying to understand the big tasks can be overwhelming. Instead, try to focus on the smaller things first. These small tasks can depend on the role you are taking on but focusing on them first allows you to grasp the role without too much pressure.

As you become comfortable with the basis, you can gradually take on more complex responsibilities. This allows you to adapt at a comfortable pace and prevent burnout.

7. Keep A Small Notebook, Take Notes And Keep Them Organized

You will need a small notebook to jot on new learnings, processes or instructions you receive. This will allow you to have a reference to look back at in case you forgot something.

Keeping the notes organized can also be a lifesaver during your first few weeks when everything is new and unfamiliar.

Additionally, write down names, job titles, and key points from meetings to help you remember who’s who and what’s what. This can also help you identify patterns and connections within the company’s operations.

Remember, you were hired for a reason—you have the skills and qualities that impressed your employer. Trust in yourself, stay calm, and take each step as it comes. Goodluck on your first day—you got this!