Thursday, October 17, 2024

10 Tips On Dealing With Feeling “Inggit” For A Barkada’s Success


10 Tips On Dealing With Feeling “Inggit” For A Barkada’s Success


How do you feel about this story?


Everyone loves to show off and there is no problem wanting to flex what you have or what opportunities you have received. The problem stems when you realize that other people, most especially someone from your barkada, have been blessed more than you. This feeling hits close to home when it is someone from your friend group because their achievements are directly reported to the group.

You might feel like their lives are more favored while yours keeps on raining thunderstorms with no way out but to sulk. However, you should also remember that everyone gets their turn to be successful and you’ll get your chance too.

Here are 10 ways you can prevent “inggit” from sprouting when a barkada shares their accomplishments.

1. Put Your Feelings Into Words

Your feelings are valid and acknowledging them is the first step towards managing them. It’s okay to feel envious; it’s a natural human emotion. Denying or suppressing these feelings can lead to resentment and stress.

Talk to someone you trust about how you feel; sometimes verbalizing emotions can lessen their intensity. Writing in a journal can also help you process your thoughts. By recognizing your feelings without judgment, it allows you to move forward constructively.

Being aware of your feelings and acknowledging it exists is not a sign of weakness, but a step towards emotional maturity.

2. Understand the Cause

Recognize the specific reasons behind your feelings of envy. Ask yourself what it is about your friend’s achievements that makes you feel this way. Is it a particular milestone you wish you had reached, or a lifestyle you desire?

Understanding the root cause can help you address your feelings more effectively. It might be related to your own unmet goals or insecurities. When you are able to reflect on these aspects, it can provide clarity and direction for personal growth.

By identifying the triggers, you can work on your own aspirations with more focus. This self-awareness can turn negative feelings into positive motivation. Remember, everyone has different paths and timelines to success

3. Limit The Use of Social Media

Social media often presents an unrealistic view of people’s lives, because most people there only show their best moments but hide the negative ones. Everyone wants to be perceived in the most positive way and never to be bad, sad, or mad.

Try setting specific times of the day for social media use, and stick to them. Unfollow or mute accounts that make you feel negatively about yourself. Use the time you save to engage in activities that bring you joy and fulfillment.

4. Learn to Let Go

Holding onto envy can hinder your personal growth and happiness. Remind yourself that everyone’s path is different and unique. Focus on your own achievements and the progress you’ve made so far. Letting go doesn’t mean you don’t care; it means you’re prioritizing your own well-being. When you let go of envy, you create space for positivity and growth in your life.

5. Learn to Support Your Friends

Celebrate your friends’ achievements as if they were your own. They are your best friend and you want the best for them so when life offers them the chance to receive best offers, be happy. Offer sincere congratulations and take interest in their accomplishments. Always keep in mind that being happy for others doesn’t diminish your own potential for success.

Moreover, when you support others, you’re also fostering a network of support for yourself. You don’t want to burn bridges, do you? Also understand that success is not a limited resource; there’s enough for everyone.

6. Be Empathetic

Your friends did not receive their success overnight. They also went through multiple breakdowns, became burned out in the process, and their faith was also tested. When you become empathetic, you are able to put yourself in their shoes and see things from their point of view and you realize that they deserve their win too.

Listening to their stories can provide insights into the effort and perseverance required to achieve their goals. This understanding can lessen feelings of envy and replace them with admiration.

7. Celebrate Small Wins

Acknowledge and celebrate your own achievements, no matter how small they may seem. Every step forward is progress and deserves recognition. This practice can boost your confidence and keep you motivated. Create a list of your accomplishments and review it regularly. It reminds you that progress is a series of small steps rather than giant leaps. By appreciating your own efforts, you reduce the tendency to compare yourself with others.

8. Forgive Yourself

Acknowledge that everyone feels envy at some point and it doesn’t make you a bad person. Be kind to yourself and avoid harsh self-criticism. Practice self-compassion and treat yourself with the same understanding you would offer a friend. Recognize that personal growth involves learning from all emotions, including envy.

Forgiving yourself allows you to move past negative feelings and focus on positive actions. It helps you let go of guilt and shame associated with envy. This forgiveness can be a powerful step towards emotional healing and self-improvement. Remember, you are constantly evolving, and it’s okay to have setbacks as long as you keep moving forward.

9. Stay Humble

By being humble, you can better appreciate the journeys of those around you. It also helps you handle your own successes gracefully and with respect for others. Humility is a valuable trait that can enhance both personal and professional relationships. It also keeps you grounded and focused on continuous improvement and helps you understand that success is often a result of both effort and opportunity.

10. Find Healthy Outlets

Healthy outlets can include hobbies, sports, creative pursuits, or volunteering. These activities provide a sense of purpose and fulfillment. They can also help distract you from negative thoughts and provide a break from stress.

Physical activities like exercise can boost your mood and reduce anxiety. Creative outlets like painting or writing can help you express and process your emotions. Volunteering can provide perspective and a sense of community. Engaging in these activities can also help you discover new talents and interests.

Remember that when its your turn already, your barkada will be among the first to celebrate the achievement with you. They will feel the proudest because they know how much you’ve struggled to reach that point in your life. So, cheer for others while it’s not yet your turn and best believe that you will have a whole crowd cheer for you too.