Friday, October 18, 2024

10 Career Lessons We Can Learn From ‘Emily In Paris’ Season 3


10 Career Lessons We Can Learn From ‘Emily In Paris’ Season 3


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Three seasons, thirty episodes—the trending international series “Emily in Paris” really became the talk of the town after giving the audience laughter, drama, and a slice of life all at once.

As we evaluate the past three seasons of the series, here are some of the life and career lessons Emily Cooper exceptionally showed us.

Just a reminder: if you still haven’t watched the latest season, some spoilers might be mentioned in this article.

1. Being unique is an advantage within the workplace

As the series was released, Emily started from scratch as she entered as the only American in a French company. Her coworkers were skeptical of her because Americans have a significant cultural gap with the French. But this does not stop Emily from voicing her opinions not only on their company’s projects but also on her co-workers’ life decisions.

This characteristic of Emily has taught us that being the one who is different in a room does not mean that you should stop pitching your ideas. But this should always be your motivation for asking them not to judge you because of your race or your appearance.

2. Always take the opportunity

Throughout the series, we have seen Emily as a big risk-taker. As long as she has herself, she will always take an opportunity, especially if she is 101% sure it will benefit the company.

This personality taught us to never be afraid to do something if our guts told us so. There is nothing wrong if you try to figure something out on your own. Life is too short; you might as well grab every small or big opportunity that will come your way.

3. Continue to pursue the path to your dream job

Yup, we know that it’s hard to achieve your dreams all at once, but if Emily did it, so can you! In the latest season, Emily had her biggest life dilemma in choosing what career path to pursue. She may have encountered a lot of hindrances to knowing what she wants, but in the end, she still chooses her dream job.

The third season literally stated that pursuing your dreams may lead to a bumpy ride, but there will always be a light at the end of the tunnel. There are days when you might see yourself struggling, but always remember to not give up, as challenges are meant to be surpassed.

4. Don’t let anyone dictate who you are

As we all see throughout the series, Emily stayed as Emily even after all that she encountered. She remained herself, but in a stronger form. Her character demonstrated how she remained true to herself, knowing that being true to herself is something she should be proud of.

This personality says a lot about being confident in yourself. A lot of people might say hurtful words in your face, but don’t let those words change who you really are. Every person has their own unique characteristics, and this includes you.

5. If you have something in mind, give it a shot!

Emily was hailed by her colleagues for something that she is best at—voicing out her ideas once they pop up in her mind. She does not miss any opportunity to share her ideas, which are also admired by her clients.

Not all of us have the power to step up and say what’s on our mind. It takes courage to be confident in all the things that we want to say. But again, if Emily can do it, so can you! Having confidence takes time, and you can start by voicing your thoughts in your mind. There’s nothing to lose if we try it, right?

6. There is nothing wrong with being extra

No doubt, Emily is someone who is really extra, especially on her work pitches. Her character showed that the sky is really the limit and there is always a chance to make something possible.

This personality should be present in all of us, especially those with careers. Go outside the box and think of something that would stand out to the crowd. There is nothing wrong with being extra. What is wrong is isolating your beautiful ideas in your mind.

7. Try to see the good rather than the bad

Throughout the three seasons of the series, Emily was also rejected a few times. But this does not stop her from seeing something good in her rejections. Emily has always come up with a good comeback, and this pulls her up big time!

We may encounter a lot of refusal in life and work, but we should learn from Emily that there is good when there is something bad. Some might take a long time to realize this, but having a bad experience does not mean there are no good chances that will come.

8. Do not hesitate to seek a friend for support

Besides Emily, her friends made the series more lively and exciting to watch. Emily did not conquer all her fears and struggles on her own; she also needed friends sometimes.

Asking for support from someone does not make you less independent, but this shows how you accept those times when you also need a companion. As the old saying states, “no man is an island.”

9. It’s okay to choose between love and career

Emily in Paris would not be complete without love problems, and Emily also encountered a lot of issues with it a couple of times! From having a crush on her friend’s boyfriend to moving on after a breakup, you can count her in.

This part of the series lets us face the reality that there is no such thing as a perfect relationship and balancing love life and career because there will always be a flaw. The challenge for couples is how they would address this gap to work things out.

10. Always do something that you enjoy!

Despite the challenges she faced, Emily did not lose the chance to enjoy her life. She always finds time to treat herself, even on bad days, because Emily knew that she still deserved the best despite her failures in life.

This has been the most important advice that “Emily in Paris” has given us in line with what has been happening lately. It is not wrong to take a break from things that stress you out and enjoy yourself for a while. Don’t be harsh to yourself, and live the life that you deserve.

To conclude, “Emily in Paris” totally captured the gist of the things that we face almost every day. With this, let us all hope that we find the Emily spirit in ourselves whenever we struggle!

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